Elite Valves are manufactured as per international standards such as ISO 9001, ASTM, ASME. Our engineering team consistently monitors update to these standards and incorporates any applicable changes that affect the design, regulations and performance of our valves. Each steps of valve engineering and manufacturing can be validated using advance software starting from 3D model to finite element analysis of loads, tension and deformations and final stress test.
Elite Flow Control guarantees the performance and reliability of its products through the systematic 100% testing & Inspection.
All the tests are done internally in the dedicated testing area, by means of multiple and specifically designed (and certified) test benches that are used to control the output of the production line.
Quality is the one of Core Value of the Company and it complied but not limited to the following as minimum:
- Design Review
- Continuous Research for new materials either for construction and for sealing Material Properties Control (mechanical and chemical)
- Materials Quality
- Traceability of the materials and parts
- Inspection During Production Process in all its phases Performances of the Valves
- Accuracy in the final stage before shipment
- Issuing of complete documentation file in full compliance of project requirement Respect of the Contractual Delivery